
I've had a crush on her since Center of the World (featuring the equally wonderful Molly Parker).


But who does follow Pepto Bismal on Twitter?

This show gives me diabetes.

Yes please! Her name would be the Weather Bunny.

This show is no Happy Endings but it's still funnier than Parks and Rec.

I wish someone would do that for SCTV.

O M G…thank you for this. My life is now complete.

Why does anyone employ Pitt? He's a quitter.

Thanks! This is great!

I know some of the seasons of AR are on amazon prime for streaming…anyone have any recommendations? I'd go online but I know inevitably I'd come across something like "season 20 was great when couple so-so won" and then I'd be like "what's the fucking point now?"

I was much too young to fully understand this strip but I remember owning every one of the little trade paperbacks they used to put out. Those things certainly influenced me. You should try it.

This season is a solid C to me (and I love Survivor- have since season 1). I just came here to say that I have never watched The Amazing Race but I started watching it for the first time this season because I needed something else to watch while I fold laundry and I have to say to that (at least this season of Amazing

Thanks for the tip! Love depressing documentaries.

Oh fuck me…this show, New Girl, Brooklyn 9/11(?) are all perfectly adequate comedies to eat your dinner on the coffee table with. Relax reviewers.

I do!

Is it gonna kill you to watch an episode?

So…should I have watched Hello Ladies to enjoy the movie?

They mentioned that "locals would never be on that road" to the Clubs and stuff.

I can foresee and hope that an episode will be devoted to Cole: Part 1 and Helen: Part 2.