
But can it be worse than Gotham?

I have nothing to add except that was some damn fine television and I will watch Michael Shannon in anything.

As a fellow adult said to me "it's for high college students." I'm not a college student anymore and I'm only occasionally high and I love it. If I were king I'd make everyone watch this show.

Yeah… this show is pretty bad. Nice try but I'm out.

Do yourself a favor a watch Southland. Woefully under-rated.

I watched the first five minutes and was thoroughly non-plussed. Maybe I'll come back to it. I wish Southland was still on.

I'll do coke off Lindsay's breasts anytime.

The movie was bullshit….the book was brilliant. Ellroy wrote the book…not the movie.

What? Better than Scorpion or Madame Secretary or Quantum Leap New Orleans? Not possible!

Just after seeing Star Wars I thought all "space" movies would be cool. One hot, summer day I forced my father to take my brother and I to see this cool looking film called "Laserblast". Even my twelve year-old brain could tell this was an embarrassing and awful film. I can still remember shrinking into my seat next

Speaking of Liv Tyler….try to find "Space Station 76"…a direct to video film that is destined to be a cult favorite.

Yeah…you're right but whenever I accidentally pick up my pooch wrong and she yips like that I feel like shit.

"You are the wizard of loneliness."

Look, I love Nathan and this show but that's not the way you pick up a dog and he knows it. Traumatizing a little pooch for a laugh is not cool. But traumatizing Polly with a skeezy psycho is OK in my book. I'm full of contradictions.

That kid made one bad decision and then he couldn't get out of it…as soon as he didn't get the hell out of there it was over. I found it believable. Too bad his friend in the green house is next.

Tell her to try the souvenir episode.

You had me at "Judy Greer's erect nipples." TO THE DVR!

As one stranger to another…you should give Hannibal a try. It's not what you might think it is.

Hooray for Hollywood!