
You wanna laugh? Go find Broad City (I'm serious- it's funny shit). I kinda liked this season even though it technically wasn't a "comedy" it was still great to watch.

Yea! More Review!!!

It grabbed me from episode 1 and I'm 4 eps into season 2 and am completely transfixed. My sister, however, HATES it. So I would say check it out for yourself.

Clive Owen. It's time.

I didn't think the awful, awful posters I keep seeing in the subway could get any worse. Thanks for proving me wrong NBC marketers.

Woo is the Ned Stark of Survivor. And who can argue Tony won't become King Joffrey?

Man…did Spencer turn you down for a date or something? I'm not a big fan of his but at least he's got some strategy. Tony is just one big walking dumb luck, Kass is a clueless twat, Woo…Woo is just dumb as a rock, Trish is just trying to keep Tony happy and floating by.

Calm down Drogo…no-one's invading your village.

I just wanted to add that I finally got around to watching this On Demand and Holy Shit I love this show! Try it people. If you don't laugh by the 2nd episode, "Pussy Weed" then I can't help your sad, judgmental life.

Yes. Yes you should.

Where's Hannibal fall in this madness?

Or people are so dumb they can't believe television can be groundbreaking.

The Following and Hannibal came out about the same time. I watched one episode of The Following and laughed at how predictable and awful it was. I watched one episode of Hannibal and realized how groundbreaking it was (and continues to be). My point? How is this shit on TV? Is it getting better ratings than Hannibal?

Just FYI for Time Warner Cable subscribers…it just reappeared on the BBC America On Demand. The one thing TWC has done correctly in my lifetime.

This was one of the bleakest episodes yet and I loved it. Really conveyed the sense of hopelessness these people are feeling. Basically…you either fight or die. Loved it! Even would have been OK with the baby dying to hammer the point home even more.

Almost immediately after I finished watching it. It's definitely that director's weakest film when you compare it to the Pusher trilogy, Bronson, or Valhalla Rising. Haven't seen Only God Forgives yet but Refn may have peaked.

At this point only Olivia Munn in fishnets and heels could keep me watching this dreck. Thank God Breaking Bad is back 7/15.

At this point only Olivia Munn in fishnets and heels could keep me watching this dreck. Thank God Breaking Bad is back 7/15.

I was a big fan of this show although it made absolutely no sense. It is a mystery why HBO ever signed off on this.