
The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.

If ever there was a time to punch a producer, it is now.

It would have to be in a Hellcat with an eagle painted on it, because ‘MERICA

Your all caps response is making me hate the new TG even more. Good job!

Sorry, but I am willing to bet many of the ghosts of those who have fallen would have been cheering that shit on the whole time. We’re all cut from the same cloth.

1) He has a lot of Ferarris that he doesn’t particularly drive too often.

Why is Evans a presenter again?

To be fair, Ken Block does donuts in front of, behind, and around everything.

Conspiracy theory: Evans set this up so he could get his new Yankee co-star booted off the show. That limey bastard!

The apology has already made the new Top Gear worse than the old.

This actually happened to my mom back in the early 60's, only it was my fault. I liked to draw, so I drew their Illinois license plate on cardboard and taped it onto their license plate so I could take a picture of it. It was actually a pretty good rendering too. Of course, being a kid with a 10 minute attention span,

Yeah, I’d do it only if I liked the product. But there is a line. That would be it.

I drive ~60k miles a year. wonder what’s the better deal: this, or IRS writeoff at 54c a mile for ~45k of that. (or both, but I’d have to run that past an accountant as that sure seems like double-dipping.)

man, I wish you were my employer.

Or the judge.

At $265+ per week, you’ll be student loan free in no time!

Gotta pay those bills. Respect to you if you do it. Student Loans are a Ballache.

Or his taste.

I feel like this is going to end like Mythbusters where 2 hosts end up doing to outrageous cool stuff and the rest just kinda dick around on screen.

I’ll say the same thing I said over on the Gizmodo post regarding this announcement:

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.