
That car makes me want a Manhattan, a cigar and listen to Frank, baby.

Lift kit, bro!

BOGUS! WEAK! A real man throws off his gloves, yanks the other guy’s jersey over his head, *then* pummels him.

Maybe good samaritan, but definitely not, vigilante = a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority

I’m going to say there must have been some under-lying issue with yours. I’ve never heard of one getting under 25mpg.

A coworker offered me his when he bought a new car. I said “no”. He said “for free?!” I said “no.”

thank you for posting this because i was waiting for it. i got it for free too and it was awesome for a free car but im glad its gone

This was my answer.

But it’s got a CD player so you can listen to some tunes as you cruise around......

The 2 I drove, 1 GT Turbo, 1 Base both got over 28mpg.

Holy smokes was not expecting to see this here... my family has some property in Lopez. The pond behind the rockets used to have a metal dragon in it too.

Burn it all down and start over.

Blow peoples minds, put three Corvair motors together for a flat 18, hexa-turboed.

The Marauder, for the despot or doomsday prepper on a budget

Yeah, kinda silly. Drones don’t kill endanger people, drone operators do. A better system would be to require drone operators to get a license, and pass some kind of basic rules/safety training if operating a drone heavier than, say, 2lbs. And then require that drones have the operator’s number on the device or

I dunno. Where a video of him banging his head on the door might be funny the first 100 times, you know- surer than shit- he’d do again and again-in every one.

That one has less than 2,000 miles on it. Hence the price.

and $38,000 is absolutely insane for a Bricklin. Maybe $15k for a primo low miles one. $10k will normally get you a well running not bad shape one.