
This is bullshit. If you’re going to take up my parking spots, at least let me get some of that sweet covered parking under the wings.

Tesla is ahead of schedule.  They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.

Right car brand....wrong model. Should have used a FORESTER.

Can’t believe this wasn’t the very first comment.

This story uncovers two things everyone already knows: NOTHING can stop a Toyota truck and nurses are bad-ass and save lives. Still, it’s cool as hell.

I’m fairly sure anything over 80 MPH in Virginia is grounds for being exiled to the island of Elba.

Babies crying can reach up to 130 dB.

So, having children also increases risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Heightened stress, diminished sleep, lack of exercise, very loud most of the time...unless, they’re getting into something they most certainly fucking shouldn’t be but you can’t figure out how they made it

T-mobile isn’t a car company last I checked

Many will be tempted to get caught up in the critique (pos or neg) of life choices, but really, the underlying message here is how much it uplifts the spirit when people act selflessly towards another. We all need to know someone cares about us in the world.

A fool and his money/truck are soon parted...

Personal heros can still be assholes.

People have a right to protest. That is the bloody essence of America.

I thought Scat Packs were a Mopar thing.

... and then a view from where the oil pan normally resides, which resembled a mass of guacamole stalagmites

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.

Wow, well done Audi/VAG.

I’m buying it and selling it to David Tracy for $3,500.

glad no one else was hurt, too bad about the bounty hunters trying to do their jobs, not to second guess their tactics but doesn’t seem to me like they should be out after someone so clearly armed and dangerous, seems like something better left to law enforcement.

This one.

I support this idea