Mistake Not...


It was not boring. More shit happens in each of these episodes than almost entire seasons before.

No one cares is right. We as a global society need to take the Olympics behind the wood shed and put it out of it’s misery.

I got chicken pox as a 21-year old, because my parents fucked up my vaccine schedule. You do NOT want this when you are that old. I was terribly sick, and still have some scars from it.

Yes. I hate everything about the Olympics now. It’s a TREMENDOUS waste of money and time that is better spent by cities and countries on literally anything else. I have zero interest in who the best [insert olypmic event] in the world is.

Plus, mutts have better genetics.

Sorry! We lost a cat recently when an adjacent school constructed a baseball field next to us. He just disappeared. :(

Annie...? Is that you?

Aw man, that stinks. My dog is lazy, and is ambivalent about my twins (except for their food scraps). But they LOVE the dog. For both twins, their first word was “Annie”, and they still call every dog they see that.

Agreed. I love my dog terribly, but hate having one.

Question: Shouldn’t this be for states that stayed IN the union?

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for introducing me to Conservapedia, i.e., THE trustworthy encyclopedia. Because if there is anything I CAN trust, its people who believe in talking shrubs, zombie saviors, flying wheels of fire, and people who live on clouds.

Seriously. People need to get it together. ITS JUST TV.

My issue has always been the little things. Big issues I can deal with, in fact I tend to stay calmest in my family. But I f***ing lose it over stepping on a wooden block or dropping something.



Arg. I hate this theory. Nothing has ever indicated that Meera is anything more than she appears to be.

I will have to count them up this evening when i re-watch. It should be 7 vs. 3. I know we only saw 2 KG’s, and Ser Gerold was described as being old, so I assume we haven’t seen him yet.

How would that even be possible?

That wasn’t Shaggy. The Umbers are trying to pull a fast one on Ramsay.

There is a theory that it’s a ruse. The Wolf’s head isn’t big enough to be shaggy dog - who was huge.