Mistake Not...

I know GRRM said it would be “bitter sweet”, but I believe it has to be a Stark or Stark-Targ or Stark-Lannister combo that “wins”. If the Starks aren’t involved, I will feel like it was all for naught. We’ve spent far too much emotional currency on them to see the Starks gets totally fucked over and cast aside.

Good metaphor!

You are right. I love the books, love the show. I just hate when we’ve spent thousands of pages on certain characters, only to think that some usurper (Euron for example) is going to win in the end.

I think it was one of the weakest, especially this season. What I don’t like is that to me it seems like the whole gist was about human politics and medieval/feudal interactions with a touch of the supernatural. The plot is large and complicated. And now that we are reaching the third act, it seems like

That sounds reasonable. I just get irrated to think that we would have so many pages about certain characters (Jon/Bran/Tyrion/Etc) only to have some new character/usurper claim the prize at the end. Especially if GRRM or the GoT guys resort to using deus ex machinas when I thought he was all about avoiding those.

The more we get closer to the “end” the more fucked up and off the rails this story is getting. GRRM had a great idea, then added so much bullshit on top of it, it’s impossible to figure out what is meaningful anymore or not.

Anyone under the age of 50 who claims to be an Orioles fan is lying.

I do not agree that the average German soldier was manipulated into anything. They are responsible for some of the worst acts of violence and depravity in human history. Do not let them off the hook. Every single one of them bears that responsibility.

Agreed. CL is a horrible excuse for a beer...... But when it’s hot out and I am at the beach or a concert, that is literally the only thing I want to consume. Plus, you can drink a shit-ton of them over the course of a day.


I understand that, and you wouldn’t care about anything I do or write, so it’s all meaningless clicking of my keyboard. Thanks for letting me know, I’m glad you went out of your way to tell me, hopefully you feel better about yourself now.

Interesting! We call a similar game “Polish Horseshoes” and play with a bottle on top of a survey stake. Sounds the same - you throw the disc, and if it hits the bottle/cup and knocks it off - they drink. However, in PH, the other team can try to catch the bottle before it lands....with one hand of course (cannot

Ok, got it, thanks.

Aww, man.

First things first, I say... How could anyone play Ultimate without beers and herb? (and reggae)

Yeah, it was more for fun than anything. It gets old just tossing it back and forth no matter what fancy shit you can do.

[Siren noise] Bragging alert. I used to do this for Ultimate Frisbee - practice receiving, tipping, and throwing purposeful and accidental tips. In Ultimate, it’s all about which way the disc is spinning. End alert. [Siren noise]

I like your thinking.

I agree that manipulation is unlikely, but it raises the question - why does the Night’s king care if Bran can see the past? Either Bran CAN affect it, or will learn something to defeat him.

Exactly. It’s called hospitality. It’s also good form for the guest to show up with something, hopefully spirits or beer, if the host is providing food. It’s just common courtesy. Same with weed. Same with anything when you’re with friends. You give and you get. In the end, it’s all about enjoying your time together.