Milo's Pink Toe

I’ve never commented before on Kinja, but I wanted to make a point that had the procedural motion to move forward on debate failed, McConnell and co. could’ve gone back to the drawing board and come back with a bill and tried to pass it as a budget reconciliation bill with only 51 votes. However, budget reconciliation

Seriously! That’s all I was thinking while reading this. If someone has a problem with another passenger and unless that passenger is dangerous then the person with the “problem” should be moved. They also should have moved her to first class, not asking a women who uses a walking stick and was previously sitting in

Hey, how about HE can move if he doesn’t want to sit there? For fuck’s sake.

I know someone perfect for the job

I’m pretty much happy anytime anyone remembers Strong Bad and Homestar.

I thought the same and was like WTF? Surprised myself by being pleasantly surprised it was Mother Pence.


And it’s the first time I’ve seen the @SecondLady handle. I am too horrified at the prospect of who that might be to bother looking it up. SO GROSS I AM STICKING MY FINGER DOWN MY THROAT AS FAR AS IT WILL GO

Remember when it was awful for Obama to nominate a Supreme Court justice or do an airstrike on Syria?

I’m beginning to get used to seeing/hearing “President Trump” but referring to Melania as FLOTUS? Get those letters out of your mouth you orange shitweasel.

I am pretty lucky to have had a privileged life. I came from humble beginnings but really worked hard to make a name for myself. I want to keep this kind of anonymous cause it may piss a lot of people off.

YES. I hope they nail the Russia thing to Trump’s head. I want to see him brought to his knees in disgrace. I want the whole fucking country to see it. I want to watch him sputter under oath, and then I want to watch him get carted off to prison for treason. I want him to die in prison, penniless and alone, finally

More like the Fart of the Repeal, ammirite?

As a man, I’m not going to get pregnant. So why should I have to pay for coverage that includes “maternity benefits?”

Yeah, but let’s hope this abomination does not actually get passed, whatever the political benefits to the Democratic Party. It’s nothing like a normal healthcare bill, it’s a generous tax cut for the very wealthy, disguised as a healthcare bill. Hundreds of thousands of people will be ruined. And some, maybe a lot,

Now someone needs to ask Trumpavich what “space science” is.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

Fun fact - when your telomers are too long, they poke out of your skin just under your nose.