This is one of two things (or maybe both):
This is one of two things (or maybe both):
Oh, we absolutely should. I also would be in favor of using anti-tank weapons or rocket launchers on left-lane squatters.
From the gif I thought the red car was driving super fast and cutting through traffic. Then I realized from the video that he is going slow and everyone is trying to get around him.
it’s fucking amazing how EVERY SINGLE SNOWDEN ARTICLE has someone posting this exact line of bullshit.
Only if it was converted from front wheel drive to twin turbo.
While my Northern Irish ancestors approve of the obnoxiously orange color of this car, my OCD is going nuts with the uneven wrap. It goes all the way to the door card on the passenger side, but seems to stop at the sill on the driver side O.O
iBlue seatbelt is part of the teraworld option pack. So I guess that’s (perhaps obviously) the high-trim variation.
i think the interior lighting carries a warm blue color, which i think would complement the blue seatbelt better than a read one.
Don’t worry. It will soon be replaced by a ribbons of solid gold encrusted with fine jewels.
How else would you know that it’s FROM THE FUTURE?!
Just for you Torch.
Pilots who pull this kind of stuff off should be given promotions/bonuses. I know it’s their job, and they’re supposed to be able to do these things regardless, but mediocrity is so consistently a theme in our society these days, that this kind of professional skill deserves praise and commendation.
Every Ford SUV of this era has the same crack in the hatch:
As a “car guy” I disagree with all of these....
“This video will make you want to buy a chevy cavalier”
This is like when you’re a kid on a family road trip and you keep putting your hand or other appendage in your brothers/sisters “space” on the back seat, even though it’s nobody’s space.
I had the same feeling for a long time. Then, I decided to embrace change and I am very happy I did.
That’s your age showing ;)
They should introduce a “wheelie bag fee” for anyone who is not elderly or disabled. If your bag has wheels, $100 to bring it on the plane. Why? Because fuck you that’s why!