
The lack of Virtual Console games on the Switch that existed on the Wii and Wii U is just another thing in the long list of strange decisions Nintendo makes.

If it’s not cost effective to put all those games up for free to Switch Online users, then just bring back a Virtual Console to let us buy them separately!

Add to 2B you cowards.

Naw man I’m pretty sure that’s the assault vehicle from BF2.

That’s awesome!!! Good luck!

I was very excited to hear this news. I had assumed Forza Motorsport would be next so I had no idea we were getting FH5, and only a few months from now! Mexico is gonna be awesome with deserts, mountains, rainforest, cities, etc.

ditto, $60 is too much for no multiplayer. If it comes down to $40 or less, I may consider it.

is this console release?  mobile?  all of the above?

Such a huge difference between “staying late because you’re actually invested in the work you’re doing" and "forced overtime for a week straight". Good for them.

E3 2012. Thank you again for that, allowing me to see Project E-100 (The Wonderful 101) in person and ensuring that I did, in fact, want a Wii U.

Im sorry but I found the Wii u UI to be atrocious. It was S-L-O-W, clunky, unpleasant to look at, and above all else weird.

 and that it has some of the games that the Switch has

Yep, the reason that a lot of WiiU games got ported to Switch was because Nintendo will always be a first class developer and make good games and they actually wanted people to play those games, so few people had WiiU to experience them.  

I’ve been meaning to pick one up for when I go back to my Wii U but I haven’t seen them cheap enough to warrant buying one. I actually never minded playing on the gamepad so I dunno.

I gotta say, I still love those pro controllers more than the Switch ones. They’re cheaper, they work for my hands a lot better, and its pretty easy to get a connecter to hook them to the Switch.

Well that’s comforting... means maybe I am a good person. But I think I’ll let whoever listens to my Speaker for the Dead make that judgement, whenever that happens.

Nintendo’s Roblox, in other words - agreed.

Roblox has a lot of weird/creepypasta esque stuff in it. Maybe not the game files themselves (I don’t know about this particular one), but various games people have created.

Was playing some game with my daughter last night that was some odd horror story thing with a Purge-mentioning story (haven’t watched the movies,

When was the last time a CoD was actually good? Because I don’t think it was this decade. Or last decade.

I dunno. He kinda looks like a Streets of Rage extra to me in that getup, and he’s not at cool as 2015's more rugged and unapologetically manly Ryu:

I have to say that as I entered my 40’s, I had to realize that I just don’t have time to play everything I want and that that’s OK. It was very freeing. No longer do I hoard games and then fret. No longer do I feel FOMO. I look at it more as using my gaming time itself; not as “I need to play this quantity of games