
Can’t make a second season without actors. Clements should tell Netflix to return to the negotiation table and bargain in good faith.

It’s earned it, but I would prefer to wait just a bit longer for the strike to settle first.

Same here. I mean I’m ambivalent about the live action but it was promising enough that I definitely want more but I’m in no hurry. Let’s get writers, actors and while we’re at it CGI people since they’re pretty relevant to OP better contracts before we go back to that.

Luffy would punch them like they were Celestial Dragons at a slave auction. 

I don’t like UE but I’m very tempted to use it instead of Unity. At this point, UE seems like the least unethical competent 3D game engine. (Godot is certainly more ethical, but can one really call it competent?)

Adobe’s help site says to click View | Page Display | Show Cover Page. (Disclaimer: I don’t use Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.)

You’re completely wrong bud

They should do the Final Fantasy VII remake next. It’s the perfect game for Cloud streaming.

I think I actually did play Super Metroid, SNES would’ve been the last console I was exposed to as a kid before moving to PC gaming. Looking at screenshots of it is bringing up some memories of thinking, “this is like Metroid but with cooler colors and big alien bosses," although I remember absolutely nothing about

having only played Hunters and about two hours of NES Metroid, I hope this game does a little handholding. I really enjoyed Hunters, though I never got too far. I hated NEStroid: it occurred to me I could simply just read the walkthru and get the same experience as “playing” it. Shit’s so difficult and unintuitive.

I so desperately want it to be Sakurai himself.

I can’t help but suspect it’ll be something underwhelming like EMMI from Metroid Dread.

No, what perplexes me is that with several games in the pipeline, the response to “40 minute Direct announced” is somehow, “could this be N64 games for Switch Online?”

As a father to a nine year old, I will never EVVVER be one of those people that will bitch out loud that “they ruined my favorite childhood thing” any time one of my favorite childhood things is rui- *ahem* remade into something I might consider unrecognizable. If my son watches this and becomes overly ecstatic to

Yeah I agree, I don’t watch a lot of anime (only the popular ones that most people recommend) but one thing I have noticed is that Anime are super character driven, about them growing as people and they focus a lot on characters.

Right? The struggles are what make those stories great. And of course real athletes have just as real struggles. She’s already a legend

I feel like she’d definitely be a Shojo protagonist of a sports manga. Her addressing her mental health would actually be a really interesting chapter in her Olympics arc if she actually DID have a manga IMO.

I mean, a lot of these shows are about young people overcoming great odds through feats of athleticism and skill, which was gained through grueling training and hard work. It makes sense! 

I’d be nice that the community gathered signatures too, to show support to the affected victims.
I mean, it could do nothing or it could show Activision Blizzard a clear disgust from their customers.

Good on the employees. Now if only software and game devs would also just unionize so we can organize some slightly more effective industry wide actions.