My Bad! I know nothing about football!
My Bad! I know nothing about football!
He's right, and such a flippant answer just shows your lack of professionalism as a writer. If you can't address his issue as a grown-up, then don't even bother responding.
If you're twelve years old, I suppose this is funny.
You're not funny.
Yeah. Shut up, "DogFister."
Really? What proof do you have that he's "never forgotten it?" Oh, wait, you write for Gawker. You don't need to back up anything you say. Carry on, hack.
You might be the dumbest person here. You're missing the point, idiot.
"Brah." Very original. Good job, Burke. Hack.
It didn't "help" them win the game. It won the game for them. What exactly are your credentials? How did you get this job, you hack?
"...pointed to his gut?" Really? How did you see that? I didn't see that in the video. Where was that? Just making more things up, Timothy Burke? Journalism at its best, folks.
It's OK. You're not a real writer.
Yes, dumbass. That's the point.
Deadspin writers ranked by legitimacy:
1. Umm....?
fuck you you're not funny
Let's see a picture of you, big talker.
"It's unobjectionable, milk-warm humor from an 84-year-old man." What's your excuse, Petchesky?
"Shitting the bed." Do they not teach you how to write like an adult at Deadspin? Fucking hack.
Please get fired. Soon.