Terry Landers appears to have bad taste in just about everything.
Terry Landers appears to have bad taste in just about everything.
Also, you can live in a cave in the woods. That will save you a lot of money.
Was that an attempt at a joke? Seriously?
No, see, that's why you're not funny. Congrats on being the UNFUNNY person.
I could walk outside right now and find 77 people who think pedophilia is OK. You're not funny. It's simply time to own up to that.
I'm Tom Ley! I respond to puff comments about my "articles," but I will NEVER respond to anyone with valid criticisms. Long live bad Deadspin writing!
Not every Gawker poster is not funny, but all Gawker posters called Mr. Sinister are not funny.
Really? Where do you live, you piece of trash?
I don't care.
Man, you just keep on banging out those unfunny comments. That seems to be your thing.
"Ah, yes ma'am, it's Sean Newell. Yes, I'm an adult. No, really, I am. I pretend to write for a blog. No, I'm not proud of myself."
You can disagree, but you're wrong.
Why do you keep trying to be funny? Just shut the fuck up, kid.
Drew Magary: King of the Lazy, Low-Hanging Fruit Article
It's not easy to craft a good joke, as evidenced here.
I just noticed that you made another awful joke. Are you the guy in the office who thinks he's a comedian, because that's how you come across. It's time to stop.
Comedy is hard. This is the proof.
Jealous that you post the work of others and think you're being funny. You're the moron who quotes lines from movies and thinks you're the funniest person in the office. Your name alone shows what an unfunny idiot you are. Congratulations on getting a hard on from a Jezebel comment. Your life sounds pretty full.
You're not funny. Time to stop trying.
Yes, because nuance is for pussies.