Provide examples or shut the fuck up.
Provide examples or shut the fuck up.
So, ESPN puts as much effort into its writing as you do? Is that your point?
Really? You think they don't keep a lid on that stuff? You're dumber than Sean Newell.
"Hey, The Browns?" Who in your life has ever told you that you were funny. They made a very bad mistake.
This was pointless. I absolutely cannot believe that you get paid for this. You're a worthless block of shit.
How many black writers does Gawker employ?
Get over yourself, kid. I don't know who the fuck you are, and don't care.
Well, that wasn't funny in the least.
If only copy and paste were real journalism, you'd win the Pulitzer Prize, you worthless hack.
Look how clever you are, Tom Ley. You used a really bad screen capture of Smith and Bayless. It's amazing how immature you can be while seeming trying to "write" about an important story. Fucking hack.
You're not a grown-up, are you? You can't possibly be a fucking grown-up.
Samer Kalaf at any age is pretty sad.
You should, but this is the least of your reasons to do so.
Use your words, like a big boy, you fucking coward.
Use your words, like a big boy, you fucking coward.
Use your words, like a big boy, you dumb fuck.
Do all of your "stories" mainly consist of reposting Tweets? Fucking hack.
Try again. Wait... don't.
Cool "article," Tom Ley. Super cool "writing."
Tom Ley Achieves maximum Hackness By Posting Non-Story Complete With Snarky Headline To Boot.