
There’s relatively compelling evidence of short-term immunity (IGG and IGM antibodies). Long term there hasn’t been enough tome to study yet.

If immunity lasts a couple of years then C-19 will likely die out in a few cycles, given how infectious it is.

I agree that it is a ridiculously weak insult. I’d be more offended if someone called me scruffy looking.

The internet wouldn’t be the internet if people weren’t panicking about things that are very unlikely to actually happen to them or any particular singular person.

That’s all well and good, but until you’ve had to work with big data in a centralized physical data center you can’t really understand the joys of the clouds. Queries that would take hours done in minutes. It is bliss.

The average person that doesn’t work in a medical setting isn’t going to be encountering aerosolized virus, they are going to be encountering respiratory droplets, so that is sort of a moot point (I haven’t researched masks, but I have studied transmission).

In Utah we have a buffet chain called Chuckarama that legit has delicious food. It tastes like there’s an army of Mormon grandma’s in the back, except in a good way! I’m sure they will probably survive, they are basically the only game in town and people love them.

Is that true? If so that’s crazy, but I guess it sort of makes sense.

This is bad advice, I’ve heard that doing stuff like this can get you arrested on a ‘terroristic threat’ charge.

This is a dumb question probably, I haven’t done any research on mask usage, but, if our masks don’t protect us from other people, how do our masks protect other people from us? They are presumably just as unlikely to be protected from other people as we are, aren’t they?

Council of Dads sounds like a 30 Rock-style show-within-a-show.

Local NBC affiliates function under different parent companies, and they all contract different with different services.

It is specifically for 90s kids who were born in the 1983-1986 window.

For real. I went to an AMC theater last year instead of my usual Cinemark because they had a movie at the only time I had free that day, and the experience was just terrible.

If you use a domain blocker you can add “” to the block list and it will block the videos from playing at all.

You had me at The Legend of Dragoon. I’m in.

I don’t understand why this is an article attacking video game companies and not an article attacking the wealthy in general. The industry angle seems contrived here. You may as well call out Kraft Foods and the CEO of Nabisco, if we’re going to get arbitrary.

My only problem with them is that they are a business to business company.

The CFR for black folks vs. the other races really is quite shocking. Whites, Asians, and Latinos are all dying at about the same rate, and we’re dying at 2.4+ times their rates.

Anyone with different preferences than me must be children. -leo gold

Anyone with different preferences than me must be children. -leo gold