
You’re Chopped champion everyone!!!

Elevator: follow the Brits on this one. You do not talk in an elevator period. You look forward and up. If you’re having a conversation with a friend getting on an elevator, you stop mid-convo, look forward and up, and resume when you disembark.

Why would he say no? Is he rich? Splitting the big room is the way to go. You should punch him in the stomach.

“how these injury and death rates compare to procedures that take place without robotic techniques.”

I’m under the impression that “the Accords” will relate to some sort of registration act, or something equivalent.

Yup. Talk to any farmer in the South, or Midwest US states about wild hogs. Not good animals.

Well, there is a problem with letting hogs go to forage for themselves. Instead of this,

How about they do a movie called “The Other Guys,” and it stars Wasp, War Machine, and Falcon? :p

“Unfortunately, this is not the way the world works. I live in New York City—if someone I barely know attempts to gift me some food they say they’ve made, I am naturally assuming it’s poisoned or they found it dumped outside on a street corner. Also, anyone accepting such a gift is just weird. Furthermore, you can

I wish we were paperless. The nurses at our hospital do a lot of charting on the computers now, but there’s still a lot of paper charting, too. Doctors’ orders are still sort of legibly written in a patient’s massive chart (which gets thinned out when the binder won’t close anymore).

So I'm assuming this means that the Joker will be a Major League Baseball pitcher, given how obtuse everything with Gotham is

Hopefully seeing the stoopid teacher get eaten.

You’re right, PETA is “supposed to do this kind of stuff” ... it’s the other stuff that they do, which makes up the vast bulk of their time and money spent, that I have problems with. Euthanizing shitloads of animals they’re supposedly “saving” for example.

Calm the f*ck down. Almost 100% of men are not OK with this.

I enjoyed that Law & Order: Criminal Intent also used this device as well. Shame it was never as popular as the other spinoffs in the series though. It was definitely my favorite Law & Order.

My first thought was another live-action DBZ movie as well. I really hope that’s not supposed to be Apocalypse.

Always figured Apocalypse would be... I dunno... taller?

Blood Jort