
I'd say watch out with that kind of talk. But he... Won't be reading this.

My impression as well. Even if he doesn’t have a cameo, I think he’s ribbing Pegg more than anything.

Hey, I loved Ledger’s performance as much as the next guy but maybe we shouldn’t judge Leto based on 5 seconds of screen time in a trailer?

Everything IS number!

I had no idea Toby Kebbell was involved. That’s a huge selling point, considering his heartbreaking/terrifying performance as Koba in the last Apes movie.

10/10 would watch.

Idea for shclock Asylum movie.

As usual, the haters are out in force.

She’s right though. What does he owe the world? I don’t think she’s saying, “So have fun destroying it.” She’s saying, “Don’t worry about what people think of you. You stand up for your beliefs and you be your own person. You don’t owe them a thing.”

I for one support the Ricktatorship!

For lawyers, the answer to every question is the same: “It depends.”

For some reason my coffee addled brain registered the headline as “Did PETA reveal more Hunger Games Movies” and my first thought was “why does PETA care about Hunger Games? It’s people slaughtering people, which they should be totally fine with.”

I have a hard time feeling too sorry for her. She reminds me of those girls who gets drunk, hits guys cuz she has this “like, I’m a girl and guys aren’t allowed to hit me back” attitude that goes unchecked until she gets knocked on her ass.

I think we already got that movie.

The Shelling by Stanley Kubrick

I can’t wait to see Drag Me To Shell.

I’ve always thought that was a kind of arrogance. “Oh, how could the world possibly continue when I’m gone?”

I’m far less surprised that a government oversight claimed a man was hiding a demilitarized historic artifact and VERY surprised he actually had the 1943 mechanical abomination WORKING!

Batman is definitely not right-wing. He is always portrayed as hating firearms and is constantly funding charities that directly benefit the poor, as well taking an active hand in the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. Hell— in The Dark Knight Returns, arguably the most brutal, “right wing” depiction of Batman— one

I think Kate got a recorded message from her boss, not a conversation. He was in on the plan, remember? Why he would try to make her suspicious of other agents I don’t know though. Also, why are nobody considering the time differences in peoples lives odd? They talk about everything else but not the fact that they’re