
Except he wasn't a complete assbag as a youth, near as I can tell.

Salem’s Lot is my favorite King book for obvious reasons. For my money to this day, the original movie has maybe the creepiest vampire-related scene in cinema history—the boy’s dead friend scratching at his window.

Pro tip: If you blend in and act like you belong somewhere, most people wont think twice. This is true “almost” everywhere.

Growing up in South Carolina I’ve done just about all of these.

Good article, thanks.

I liked the progression of The Stand, but I can’t forgive the ending. The Hand of God literally reaching out and popping a nuke in bad person town just felt like he got tired of the story and came up with a fast-n-dirty Deus ex Machina (literally!) to come and scrub up the ending. I held this grudge for years but kept

I pretty much agree with everything.

“King is, as he admits himself, an over-writer”

Weird, I wonder where the dog/roman candle story came from...

“Simple solution(s), stop teaching creationism/the bible as “science” in schools,”

Simple solution(s), stop teaching creationism/the bible as “science” in schools, and actually teach REAL science, and stop teaching kids how to take their mandated tests which directly control the amount of funding that school receives, and tech them things they can actually use to get by in the real world... An

Yeah, I love this show and want to see squids ink all over people and gorillas drop-kicking babies. So many in this thread are monocle-wearing tut-tutters. It makes me sad and I hope the animals get them.

This show could have been epic, but it feels tame because o the channel its on, still fun though, but the ending was a bit flat

I used to think needles were safe, but I’ve gotta admit it, he showed me something.

He got famous by talking out his ass. I’m not surprised he’s sticking with the formula.

I went 5-11, which seems fitting for the Redskins.

Engineers make things that work. Marketers make things that look pretty.

That’s because, if I understood this right, Marvel can’t use the word “mutants” while Fox still owns the film rights for X-Men. The whole mutants idea is what the X-Men were about so with Marvel, they’ve retconned mutants into Inhumans, as we saw at the end of AoS Season 2. They’ve done a marvelous (pun intended!!!!)

Only in season. Game wardens take that shit seriously.

Technically not true! Twitter isn’t a public forum where free speech laws hold. It’s a service provided by a private corporation. He only has that “right” as long as Twitter allows him to have it.