
Right up there with the Great Tits in bird asshole-dom.

Well at least nature has a solution for the great sparrow onslaught...

Several years ago, I remember my wife yelling, “OH MY GOD”, so I go to where she is, looking out the sliding glass door onto the patio. There, on the patio, are two house sparrows beating the living shit out of each other. But, the thing that caught her (and me) by surprise was the fact that there was a ring of

My favorite quote ever from him was when he opened up a press conference this playoffs by saying “You guys know I never complain, but...”

Here’s the thing. I’m a white person from the South. There are plenty of aspects of Southern culture that I am actually pretty proud of: the food, the hospitality, the (albeit superficial) kindness toward strangers and guests in your home. Here’s one I’m not proud of: racism! And you know what the BIGGEST MOST OBVIOUS

He had a disproportionate amout of oops to alleys here

she is bathed in the shark’s warm blood as she follows the entangled male upwards, the warm flood of liquid keeping the female protected from the cold water long enough for it to reach the warmer surface waters of the ocean,

How many players in the NBA have been as good and as likable as Steph Curry?

But the problem is: If you’re that much of an asshole, you’re not going to be self aware enough to know you’re the giant flaming mega-douche that you actually are. You think you’re awesome, and the world around you is filled with sniveling peons.

Yet the moment something goes wrong, the cry goes out, “Why doesn’t the government do something about this!!?”

It would go something like this:

My kid will have a video display setup showing him sanitizing the vessels, utensils, counters and washing the lemons themselves. Then it’ll show him making the lemonade and putting it on ice in a freshly sanitized 1 week cooler. You bring up a good point about handling and I think that could be a selling point and a

I made the mistake of drinking some “lemonade” neighbor kids were selling. It consisted of smashed up lemons in water with some ice. Insanely disgusting.

Yeah! How dare they protect us from getting sick! Damn them! What are they good for? Nothing, I tells ya! End em all, and Mad Max the fuck outta America. Woooooo!!

I had a lemonade stand as a kid. Fun stuff. Got $10 and told to keep the change. Do that to this day and the look on the kids’ faces is well worth it.

It’s as if it’s because it involves kids all concerns about traffic, safety, sanitation and taxes go out the window.

Tell it to the children that spent the rest of their lives with polio.

Why don’t people in the past know what will be interesting to people of the future and put that stuff in their time capsules instead?

This is just too awesome looking to be real.

Completely changes the dynamic of a jump ball if players are allowed to catch it. Players could just attempt to grab it with both hands every time and never tip it out. Turns jump balls into exactly the issue jump balls are trying to solve: wrestling matches for the ball