
North Carolina BBQ is pulled pork served with a spicy vinegar based sauce, sometimes already dressed with that sauce, though really, its rare that would find only a single option, unless you were really out in the middle of nowhere. The Pit in Raleigh and Allen & Sons in Chapel Hill are usually counted as the best in

It’s getting there. And I like it that way.

So were Extant and Under the Dome. Until...

I regret that I have but one star to give to this post.

(X) You have consistently failed to pay the Club's fart tax and remain delinquent.

I preferred Ms. Pac-Man because it only cost nineteen cents to play rather than the full quarter necessary to play Pac-Man.

Gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by this show. As of now, I recommend it. But it is early.

I’m enjoying the show for what it is, but I think there’s a good reason it was sitting on the shelf as long as it did.

I read the article.

“Then he laughed. ‘It’s not like they’re going to sue us for it.’”

Forgetting their two NCAA basketball championships?

I read that in Billy Dee Williams’ voice.

Spoiler alert: Sometimes it is fun to root for middling teams. I have UNC fan relatives and to hear them be so miserable in only winning by 10 to Georgia Tech makes it clear that rooting for a better team does not make fandom more enjoyable.

+1.... if a NC State or Wake Forest grad read this to a UNC grad, they’re going to be so mad at you.

That an NC State alumnus only has this and a bass fishing championship to enjoy about NCAA sports. That’s pretty sweet right there.

UNC is working on it, but they haven't found a tutor to write up the Notice of Allegations.

As an NC State alumnus I get a lot of enjoyment out of this case, but my favorite detail by far is that Jan Boxill was their Center for Ethics director. How much sweeter irony can there be?

UNC has vowed to the NCAA that they will look at how a smarter school does institutional control and they’ll copy it.

The city/rural thing is a great point. (Not being sarcastic.) It’s given me pause and I’ll be turning it over for a couple days. Well said.

This is one of the more sensible things I’ve ever read in comments. Theres a lot of truth to this - as someone that grew up in the country and now lives in NYC - I still regularly hunt and the reaction I know I get when I tell people I own guns is predectable. Funny because I actually hate handguns and that's what