
I’ve always thought a really effective Batman movie might work with villains as the Protagonists. Do it from Falcone’s POV with this terrifying, shadowy monster slowly tearing his organization apart—with only glimpses of the Batman and whispered stories until the final act.

Yeah, “it’s squirt guns and water balloons”...until YOU get hit in the face with one. I daresay (and correct me if I’m wrong, but) you wouldn’t just laugh it off, nor would you laugh it off if your wife or g/f got nailed. In the face, with a water balloon, that is.

/\ please give this more stars, people.

On the other hand: “DO NOT MOVE OR I WILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING ARM” <—this officer needs to relax. It’s squirt guns and water balloons.

Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

I don’t know a lot about head injuries but it seems like the general common sense thing to do would have been to have Steph sit out the rest of the game. It seems like it would be MORE important to increase the chances of him being healthy for a possible Game 5 than to possibly exacerbate his symptoms by having him

And here I’ve been washing with cold for years out of pure laziness for not wanting to separate my laundry.

I haven’t washed clothes in hot water for many years now. The only times I wash in hot is when I deep clean and bleach my kitchen rags. I figure billions of people around the world don’t wash with hot water and their clothes look just fine.

I’ll be the bad guy. I fucking hate “superfans.” It’s more about them than the game and after about 5 minutes shut the fuck up already.

ABSOLUTE favorite comic growing up. Still not sure why, but love the Spaceknight.

sorry max it looks like imperator is at another castle!

Is it done well?

They should do Lil Sebastian instead. At least he was a magnificent beast.

I know they found her. The first line:

The most recognizable cat on the internet?...

Agreed! figure traditional truck stops will be replaced with diagnostic, service, and maintenance stations spawning a need for higher paid skilled labor with an overall better quality of life.

That’s just it they are not a bank.