
When people falsify data to “prove” something that fits their worldview, they’ve completely failed to grasp the basic concept of the scientific method.

I’ve also read Caves of Steel and The Naked Sun, I LOVE Plainclothesman Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw. One of these days I’m gonna get around to reading The Robots of the Dawn to complete that trilogy.

I was hoping to come here and get a really cool discussion going about I,Robot, one of the most heavy sci-fi books I’ve ever read, but this guy’s accent combined with how non-scripted this sounded and lack of organization really makes this video boring for me...

While that is very much true, I felt the flick certainly carried the spirit of Asimov’s work. The conundrum in the film over the three laws would definitely have felt at home in a direct Asimov story... IMHO anyways

Just a reminder to those of you out there that might not know:

I’m ready for more Mad Max. Hell, they should just use the 478 other hours of footage they filmed and cut together a new version of Fury Road because of course I’d pay for that.


The why? I thought it was because a million Florida senior citizens cried to the hurricanes in one voice. "GET OFF MY LAWN!"

Ick. I really wish all these businesses would stop fracturing the streaming services. It stops being more affordable to have streaming over cable when you have to pay for dozens of different “channels” to get what you want.

Missing the previews was probably a good thing. They made the film look absolutely silly. The film itself delivered far above my expectations. All I can say is that Star Wars had better be at least as good as Fury Road.

The movie will have Mutant-controlled owls

that being said this post does beg for a jp joke

I like big probocises, and I cannot lie,

Hahahaha... I don’tt know what the fuck that is but also... Poyo = Pollo (spanish) = Chicken.

Technically he is Undead but he is an eldritch abomination who is incredibly powerful on his own, plus a huge army of undead he can summon to fight. A weapon of the Hellsing Organization he will destroy whatever his master orders him to.

Sounds familiar...

I get it.

Apparently he can only grow his finger nails at-will.

New Black, Regular Black, White people, Brown people...why can’t we just be people. I can’t wait for the future where every person is essentially a Gooback. This race thing is just so stupid.