
My L&O:SVU degree confirms this statement.

God that was so close! They kept showing it from above which was a bad angle. I as like, "just what we need, another basket called off at the end of a game!"

Ive been watching the anime on Netflix with subs, makes all the difference in the world!

There was an excellent show on PBS (i think) about crows ability to learn and pass on info. It was crazy how the parent could teach the baby to recognize a face it considered "bad."


Thanks, i remember now. I knew there was some sort of deception

Craig is like the living embodiment of an internet message board.

I was watching the reruns last night and gained a new appreciation for Craig. He should be higher.

Didnt he fly them to space and they died? He thought they were the Joker? I love this storyline but can't exactly remember how it started.

THIS guy can sew, but I am probably the exception to the rule. I darn socks, stitch tears in jeans, and can do basic repairs. No, no, I'm already married ladies, sorry for breaking hearts kinja-style!


My concern for developing Asimov books to film is the fact that they have so little action in them. They are about solving problems rather than space wars. I was disgusted by I, Robot (the movie) but i still hold out hope for future tries at adaptation.

My wife's family puts it on spaghetti. It is so disgusting! Her cousin is the worst. But the spaghetti sucks so i understand, i guess? It's like chilli over noodles, so maybe that's a "thing" somewhere but they are from my town. Freakin weirdos!

or even microbursts

Would Flash be the best male-gender lover in the comic book world? With the whole vibrating thing? All of the other stuff about attraction and chemistry aside, all of these being equal, is there another male super who would be "better"? Lets assume he has the whole puppies and baseball thing down pat. Go!

Law & Order: Central City

So what you are saying is that dogs are better than cats, right? That's my take-away from this, end of discussion!

Yeah, if you have these people in your section best to just call it a loss. Just get through it because they wont leave you crap no matter what you do.

Yeah, it seems like it would be easy, but it's harder than you think. Usually not really even worth it. Usually.

A great coach and a great man. He will be missed across the state and the nation.