
And “showmance”. For fuck’s sakes.

Remember when the A.V. Club used to do deep dives into like the 2000's Midwest punk scene and there’d be like 500 comments?

Nah, chief. You were trying to be critical of the game, highlighting what you thought might not be a good sign, and got caught in a bad take observation. Now you’re trying to back up and pull the “It was a joke” card.

That’s kinda gross and interesting. Anyways:

I just could not get into Death Stranding. Even this many years later. I can’t get past Hideo’s enormous ego and bloated writing and let myself open this game again. For reference I thought Metal Gear was a fun series and feel like I’m supposed to care about this IP.


Matt Schimkowitz isn’t even good at clickbait considering the only information in this article was alluded to in the headline. When the staff here can’t even generate clickbait that’s good as clickbait maybe it is time for the AI.

I’m honestly looking at Barsanti embarrassing himself with the letter grade for Secret

It’s funny that so many people said that about Black Flag when it came out. “It’s an awesome pirate game, but it’s not Assassins Creed”. Now it routinely tops lists of fan-favorite AC games, and feels much closer to the original spirit of the series than the RPG trilogy. I’m curious to see where FF goes and how this

I actually turned to my wife while playing the demo and asked her “Is it just me, or do these characters all bore you to death?” and her reply was just a slow nod of her head.  It’s baffling to me how the demo just did not feel like something I wanted to spend another 40+ hours in.  I kept on thinking that I’d rather

Imagine the concept of some people having fun differently than you do, and not being a douche about it

Let me know when he finds ‘that’ person that’s willing to pay $10K for that thing. Actually, let me rephrase that - let me know when the $10k arrives in his bank account.

Maybe not pretentious, but definitely a bit of a wank.

How about neither?

He's right. TROS is undeniably shitty but TLJ is the only one that's actually offensive to POC

His part of the Last Jedi was the only one part of many that movie that didn’t work”

Indeed. I’m still mystified by the love some have for TLJ, and I’ll still rewatch one of its video essay takedowns from time to time because I find them endlessly entertaining, but I of course recognize the debate itself became immovable and pointless almost immediately after it started. Yeah, some real a-holes

“roughest parts of Montréal”

Come within battery-whippin range and say that

Respectfully, this piece is in very poor taste. I actually agree with the general premise of it: I was a public defender for the first four years of my career. The prison system is very corrupt, and I have long advocated for there to be an age cut off for people who no longer pose a threat to society to be released.

Now that I’ve watched the video, she’s 100% wrong and I can never think about it again. Women runs across the lobby or whatever, doesn’t introduce herself, and tries touching the guy from behind? Never ok. She COULD have taken 2 extra steps and let her people, who are there with her, introduce her to his people, but sh

Folks forget Britney was never exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, even back in 1998.

The tone here is SO odd. Maybe he said more in the actual podcast, but from what’s included in the article here, I don’t see where he said anything about him being worse off than anyone else or comparing his experience to others? He’s not putting down anyone or acting like what he’s saying is new or groundbreaking, so