
I’ve suspected that there was a shoe to drop with Gaiman ever since the Warren Ellis stuff broke a few years back. There was just too much overlap in their fanbases, and the same ‘non-exclusive relationship’ relationships for Gaiman to somehow have never crossed any lines.

You ever notice how the TERF-Island Terfery is always focused on “rapists will transition in order to more easily rape people” a thing that normal people would file under “it’s already illegal to rob a bank.” Like if a cis person wants to walk into the wrong bathroom, there won’t be a team of Navy SEALs descending from

I lost my best friend to suicide due to transphobic bullying. She was always there for me when I needed her, and she’s the reason my husband and I met. The only thing that kept me from falling into despair at the news of her death was seeing how many people showed up to her funeral. It was proof in my eyes that there

There does seem to be some inconsistency in who gets stuck with the label; she does seem like a prime candidate for it, then again its a dumb term and any instance of it going away should be welcomed.

My opinion is that she’s a spoiled nepobaby who doesn’t mind shitting on projects she was in because she was born where she’s never had to worry about paying her bills. So what if shitting on the movie hurts the other people involved in making it? She’ll be offered roles in the future and if she doesn’t, oh well, she

Just want to rant into the wind at All the mentions/comments about how ‘exhausting’ a combined universe of characters can be - like, have you people Read comics? How about, I don’t know, Books? Have you watched TV shows that go beyond A season? This stuff isn’t new - and this is the first time it’s been attempted at

This is gonna blow up real good.

Now playing

I watch the “horse sand” scene whenever I need a little pick-me-up (so basically three or four times a day). “Hot rolls and marmalade, anyone?”

Personally, I find the series better than the book. The book took me a hell of a time to get through. I’m not a slow reader, but the fact that it took over half the book to get to the place where I had a vague idea where the book was going just made things insanely tedious. I was interested enough to keep reading but

he just wanted a crane shot...

I would have thought the SCTV connection between Short and Levy would be more of an “of course” thing.

Stealing from the film industry is popular to lower level socialists (who view it as the main propaganda tool maintaining capitalism) and young entertainment journalists (who feel like they’ve been left out of screenwriting and production jobs because nepotism).

Another vote for watching the series. I think you can find it on youtube. Just a great adaptation. 

Totally agree with Milligna000 — The series that they made of Jonathan Strange & Mr, Norrell was excellent and perfectly cast. An example of getting it exactly right. 

I firmly believe Tatiana Maslany is the only reason the original show was worth watching, the plot was too contrived and convoluted and the show overstayed its welcome. The only reason I watched Echoes was because the casting made it sound like, “What if Orphan Black but with Krysten Ritter?” And while that sounds

I like how you called it blood libel and then excuse other people who did the same things. Because you are a hypocritical piece of shit.

Why the fuck are you here again other than to be a stalker and hate on everything?

What a horrible article.  Are you happy doing this kind of work, Mary Kate Carr?

Now playing

Oh, yeah, I just blame Google for starting this shit, and since they’re the de facto gateway to the internet, everyone else has to kowtow to them, and play their game.

God this place has become TMZ 2. Fuck off, Mary.

Except that TMZ has famously broken some very large stories, and they always get their facts straight before they do. Being founded by a lawyer means they are a far more reputable gossip/tabloid news agency than even some legacy news companies.