
What? So they would pass fucking NOTHING in Congress or the Senate? How the hell do you think this works? Wishful thinking?

Unless his entire cabinet has “cognitive decline” I really don’t care what some sneering shithead diagnoses from his dungheap.

Man likes making things that make money, news at 11

Wow, can you imagine what a trainwreck her self-directed biopic would have been like. It’s amazing she spent decades in and around movies and never improved. 

Blade Runner would’ve been nothing without William Burroughs’ title

As if he created any of the stories or characters

What’s more interesting is that you think focusing on that part exonerates him from being a shitbag! Like you wouldn’t warn a daughter about this guy.

Suicide is a poor option. Be a plumber and make films on the side using the money. Enjoy having healthcare!

More like... ooo tax refund, time to start a new movie!

Don’t worry i’m sure you’ll get the chance to dismiss the accounts of many more women!

Amanda Palmer said the nanny was the 14th woman to complain about him to her. Oof. Imagine how many didn’t in that time period. This is why an “open relationship” with a narcissist, sociopath, or psychopath is generally a poor idea.

The reputation management agency he had ready to go when this broke sure gets a smelly message across!

Gaiman has also clearly prepared and paid for reputation management services to spread similar messages across the internet starting today so keep that in mind. Cuddling and fingerfucking the nanny a third your age on the first day on the job doesn’t require a right-wing conspiracy to be deemed fucking SHITTY AND

I’ve made comments here over the years about his reputation and rumors swirling around this known nuisance at conventions and bookstores, I don’t wanna say ITOADYASO but ITOADYASO. Even Mad Lawrence Miles famously sneered something like “‘Gaiman is a stinking parasite who’ll sink to any depths in his quest to make

I didn’t make much on my features. Maybe enough to pay a few months of rent now and again but I always needed dayjobs back in the 90s.

probably paid more than 30 of mine. Oof. Hey kids, don’t go to Tisch/NYU. Go be a plumber and do something useful.

So when are you guys running the Neil Gaiman news so everyone can come out of the woodwork with their experiences with him being creepy at signings?

Barth was a role model for several generations. Shame they never could get a big set of Fernwood/America together or the reunion they were going to do once before the rights confusion led nowhere. But I’m grateful for those Nick at Nite reruns in the 90s for giving me an adolescent appreciation of leisure suits. Check

Nobody would involve you in a “solution” more complicated than wiping your ass, weirdo. Stay in your lane and keep clean.

Nah, you’re just a piece of shit that doesn’t get along with most people. Occam’s razor, weirdo.