Ian Miller

Not a lawyer. Jessica Jones went from being a costumed hero to being a PI, no bar-taking involved.

Nicely sarcasmed.

I was so delighted. You don't know what you have till you start being a jerk and inspire your former sober companion to move out and invite a protege to live with you and find it's gone. :)

An incredibly solid work on characters - this is going up with "I am a man of details, and it matters to me," "Partners," and "Stay" for scenes that reach incredibly rarified heights of Sherlock Holmes adaptation and reformation. To have Holmes cast in the light of protector and guardian is a brilliant extrapolation

I really appreciate that the reviews will sing the show out with dignity. And a few cat names. :)

I was frustrated with that plotline as well - though I really appreciated the fact that Kitty allowed Gregson space to be as angry as he was.

I really hope they don't kill Kitty off. I'd like her to become sort of like Moriarty and Mycroft - a potential future, but not necessarily day to day.

I noticed it was 20 minutes late as well - was very confused. I guess that explains it!

Eh, it worked for me. And I think he's not necessarily playing a really expressive character, so I didn't think it was wooden so much as just the way Andrew is.

I have great hopes for the mother plotline as well.

I know! I really liked him in Spooks, and I kind wish they'd made him British to keep his great accent. But his American voice is pretty spot on.

Sherlock, in fact, would often use methods of questionable nature to attain his own sense of justice. Sometimes it was letting those he thought were better served free go instead of turning them in (Charles Augustus Milverton, Blue Carbuncle), sometimes it was in not feeling sorry that a murderer has been killed

I have to say, I loved the way the show deliberately connects to Watson's comment about Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of the Four, a story that also first shows his drug use. In a show that's taken Sherlock's drug addiction as a central point of exploration of character, showing that a Holmes who has rejected drugs has

Except that we have established from the first few episodes that Joan likes to watch televised sports (admittedly, that was baseball, but it's established).

Rancid cheese is what I heard.

I thought I was okay with it being cancelled.

Well, Paget's Holmes had even less hair. :)

Well, it's a line from canon. Sherlock Holmes will always be right, not because he doesn't guess, but because the writers write him that way. (To his credit, Doyle did write stories where Holmes failed because of guesses - The Yellow Face, particularly).

Given how they dealt with Sherlock's unnecessary unkindness last season, I'm hoping we'll see him called out on it this season as well.

I thought this episode was much better than Myles - mostly because I love the way they continue with canon development - both Kitty's backstory (and the development of her relationship with Watson) and the actual case referenced.