
It still kills me that the legacy of this fairly interesting RPG that I really enjoyed will always be a dipshit pitcher ran the company into the ground and ruined people’s lives. The game deserves much better than that, and I still can recall sinking dozens of hours into it. If it pops up on sale again on steam, i

And yet cheated on his wife.

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

Every time I see the “Franchise-Saving” concept art of Blomkamps’s Alien 5, I get happy that his movie will never be made.

“Fixing”, may I direct you to all of Blompkamps previous shitty work? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Ridley Scott has made a good film here, I’ve not seen it. I am saying I’ve seen District 9 (easily his best but still not great), Chappie (almost unadulterated shit, smeared over celluloid) and Elysium, which just

Haters gonna hate. I drink soylent for lunch maybe 4 times a week for lunch. It’s convenient and I actually enjoy the taste. Stop trying to call everyone who does something you don’t a “bro”.

Wheat like that is not naturally occuring, it was created by selective breeding by humans. So while “human vegitation” may be a poor way to say it, it’s accurate in a way. It is vegitation that only exists because humans created it.

People like you can’t be reasoned with. You create a false sense of who Musk even is and then rail on it. The guy has a passion for rocketry and sustainable transit - how terrible. If someone’s going to have a beef, make it for a good reason.

the space military, duh

This bothers me less than I thought it would. Trump does whatever the last person to talk to him says. I imagine him doing the things Musk tells him to would be good.

I don’t understand how drawing attention to promises made is a gimmick. Trump chooses to use Twitter as a major part of his outreach to voters. It is only sensible that those utterances would be relevant in future discussions.

Spend 30 years with normal diplomatic relations with a country. New guy comes in, gives you the finger. This is them giving the finger back you myopic, uninformed fucking idiot.

Also understand that Gawker Media as a whole carries a slight* disdain for Silicon Valley, brushing them all off as Rich White Men who hate women and minorities. So any opportunity they can take to potshot them, they will.

Why does everyone (at Gizmodo) think the execs are submitting and bending to King Trumps’ will. I bet they accepted the invitation because they believe they can educate Trump in the scientific method, using crayons and coloring books.

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

“And I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s promoting an idiotic worldview that’s completely devoid of answers for how to effectively combat the threat that Donald Trump and his neo-fascist goons pose to our democracy.”

Dude- America just told you that you and your ilk are dead-ass wrong.And I sympathize- it’s me

The one thing I’m worried about regarding the Switch is how durable the the detachable mobile controllers are. That’s going to be the easiest part to lose. And what about wear and tear?

Musk’s conclusion, of course, presumes that autonomous cars are definitively safer than conventional vehicles and will reduce deaths once adopted. That may be true some day, but given the current state of self-driving tech, it seems worth asking for proof.

Oh, wow. I definitely drank at Mars Bar a few times. It was phenomenally nasty, and calling it a dive bar would be an insult to dive bars. The last time I was there, I saw a homeless man hammer a nail into his urethra.