
The game really was a hidden gem. I 100% hope they port it to the switch or at the very least make it BC on xb1.

What a riveting article. Thanks for sharing with us that you in indeed play it though.

that description XD...
*slow clap*

Bunk argument. They didn’t start from scratch in 2013. As much as they might want that crutch...

I really want someone to make the ‘home station’ from Oblivion :D


Their loss.

My biggest issue came at the end of the article. $100,000 for branding something like this is NOT a lot of money (from someone who works in the design industry). That sort of devalued thinking about design is what REALLY pisses off professionals.

This does make me wonder though if they had approached any major

It was more satisfying years ago when Sony did it on a camera that was >$1k :D

So how does this work? You have to purchase it on steam early access and you’ll get access on Xbone? Or do I have to be part of the xbox’s early access system (not quite sure how that works via console admittedly).

This is definitely one of the first games that REALLY makes me want a WiiU. Wish they pushed it to other systems. It looks pretty glorious.

Wait, are there deathclaws this big in the game??? Or was this a PC modded enemy?

You clearly don't know what you're sleeping on when you stay at a hotel.

I honestly just don’t understand how anyone could expect this to be any sort of success, from a business standpoint. I could see like “if you die, you can’t play until next week” or something. But they’re REALLY narrowing down their market by doing this whole permadeath gimmick.

Sounds like the Star Wars Battlefront II..I was sad that they weren’t bringing that game mode to the new version. I loved the space battles (going from hangar to ship to opponents hanger)

I’d say give it time. This comes off as passionately written by someone who doesn’t like Apple? Pretty quick to judge, so I’ll hold my breathe and see how Apple TV evolves through the coming months (look how much and how quickly the iOS app store has changed and evolved to cater to user demands)

I’m reading through Robinson’s Mars trilogy (almost done with Green). I was INSTANTLY hooked..his hard-science fiction style is insanely enthralling. I’m looking forward to Aurora.. :))

I love this lol...

I feel like this used to happen in the older series too. You’d be watching an episode (take the Buu saga) it would look pristine..then out of no-where you’d get like 3 seconds that looked TERRIBLE in comparison.