Millennial Historian

Absolutely! All the more reason for this narcissist to remove herself permanently from the spotlight. The Democratic bench is thin, and that’s because from 2008-2016, Hillary Clin-Ton took up all the light and oxygen that should rightfully have gone to nurturing a new generation of Senators, Rep.s, governors, state

Majority of Americans, let alone Democrats: “We need a minimum wage that’s a living wage! $15/hour!”

THIS! Oh, great God almighty, so much this!

Your reasoning is sound, but reason and good sense don’t win elections. We should all know by now that winning isn’t about who has the best ideas, or even the best personal story — it’s about who can package those ideas and stories best. Trump did that better this last time around. He was even described as the

I am relieved that she says she won’t run again. Ordinarily, I don’t believe politicians when they say this, but this time I don’t think it’s just up to her (she’s 70 years old, she’s already lost twice), so I tend to believe that she won’t be back. She had 25 years to prepare for being president, and lost to a

Except he was then a US Senator from Illinois, the capital of fly-over country. That insulated him. Even his (in)famous “cling to guns and religion, etc.” comment was, in context, him speaking as sort of an emissary from fly-over country to West Coast (San Francisco, specifically, if I’m not mistaken) elitists about

If I were the incoming 46th president, my first act would be to fumigate the White House.

You should seek out locally sourced, artisanal amusement parks.

“he would have been seen as the jimmy carter of presidents.”

“Oh, Sheri!”

I’ll be around the AVoCADo a bit. I might try the Tolerability Index Forum, if I can figure it out. I’m not going anywhere near the What’s On Tonight thing, because the person who runs it (I think) is hateful and has a hair-trigger temper, and laid in to me a month or so ago out of nowhere. Fuck that badger.

What we talk about when we talk about emojis. J

My mother takes covfefe for her problme.

And when they finish with that, how about they make adding page numbers to a Word document a simple mouse click, and not a needlessly complicated series of steps that you need a goddamned map to find the starting point for?!?!



Disqus works fine in its own playpen (e.g., the AVoCADo), but it never played well imbedded within the AV Club — at least on my iPhone. In fact, mobile use of all these commenting systems is for shit. You’d think they would try to optimize for the mode of use that is growing and which has been clearly here to stay for

An oldie?

Remember how in the old days (i.e., pre-Kinja, so, like, 10 days ago) an article about Trump would be posted and three hours later it would already have 400 comments? Tonight, when I “publish” this comment, that will bring the total up to ten.

I’ve tried to edit this comment three times to remove italics and extra returns. Each time, I get a message saying that my edit was successful, but I have yet to see my text change to the corrected version.