Millennial Historian

I would love a knowing, self-consciously satirical film with these two reprising their roles from Dracula, but in the modern day, and no vampire. If it were a deconstruction of the rom-com genre, that would be great.

Matt Lauer is not an investigative journalist.

Between her battles with Trump and her claims of Roger Ailes’s unwanted sexual advances (could there be any other kind with him?), I really hate that she has a veneer of feminist bona fides, because she is just awful about everything.

Matt Lauer is a slimy motherfucker.

What causes a Jedi to go neutral?

“Drayton was shocked to see that a new Public Enemy album was being released...”

I don’t understand the greys. I’m afraid I might be in them without knowing it! I can see your comment, so that must not have anything to do with it. When I hit “publish,” my posts are immediately published; I took that as meaning I was not “in the greys.” Am I actually trapped in that twilight zone between worlds

Remember when only about 60 million Ametican voters thought this hateful, stupid person was a good choice to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? Yeah, those were the days.

“Did Sarah Palin wrecklessly incite mentally-ill right-wing gun-nutz to shoot at those literally targeted members of Congress? I don’t know. You tell me. You tell me.”

“Millennialogy?” Pfffft. Those quacks can’t write you a prescription for avocado extract supplements. You should always seek out a Millenniatrist.

What should give the Republicans further hope is the Democrats’ continued inability to mount a competent campaign. Remember all the hullabaloo a couple of months ago ahead of the big reveal of their new strateg...only to learn that it was something called “A Better Deal” delivered in Chuck Schumer’s patented

Translation: “We don’t trust the general American public to engage the problematic elements in this film with historical perspective or emotional maturity.”

Well, so much for every single comment from the old days making it over to Kinja. Either they aren’t here, or this is a super-mega firstie!

Can we collapse comment threads?

So we can fucking curse here, right?

Oh my God, logging on with my iPhone has been a nightmare! It’s almost as if Kinja is designed to discourage comments.

Okay, here’s the jist of my first attempt at commenting here:

Jeez, after writing three paragraphs about my needlessly complicated experience, and not knowing whether or not that post got “published,” I’m writing this one basically as a test.

I'm going to give it a try.