Millennial Historian

I want to thank the AV Club’s parent organization for bringing this site fully into the fold, and cross-listing articles like this on other pages with such enlightened, well-spoken, and thoughtful commenters! I have had some amazing exchanges in the last 24 hours with some people I’ve never met before who never

Ted Cruz is often shrill, too. I don’t buy this idea that only women are described as shrill, as a misogynist attack.

Hmmm. Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Wow, a PUMA? I thought you were extinct.

Well, I’m a Millennial Historian, so my knowledge is based mostly on Wikipedia articles hastily skimmed the night before a paper was due, and listicles on Buzzfeed. So, y’know, take my pronouncements with a grain of salt.

A lot of minimum-wage jobs should be automated, because they often involve tedium and mindless repetition. These aren’t characteristics that human beings respond to well; but machines are great at them! We need to figure out other ways for low-skilled workers to make a living. But no one is going to cry because he

Elsewhere in these comments, I’ve complained about the Democrats’ lack of depth. They haven’t been planning for succession, and that’s terrible leadership.


We’re on the AV Club — we’re talking to over 90% white people.

This AV Club ain’t what she used to be...

He also gained popularity as the primaries went on. And his crowd sizes weren’t as important as who was in those crowds: young people of all colors and income levels. Bernie excited the future of the party; Clin-Ton did not. Party leadership that wasn’t governed by their own egos would look at that and take the lesson

You just knocked it out of the park!

Then you can negotiate to that compromise AFTER you’ve won the office! But when you’re running, at least put out a plan that better reflects the needs of the constituents whose votes you’re supposedly trying to get. Campaign in poetry; govern in prose.

“Hey, last time I checked, newspapers and railroads are still around. So siddown and shaddup, nerdlinger!” — network executive who gets paid $1 million per year

No shit. I have every confidence that President Hillary Clin-Ton would not have anyone wondering about her decisions, “How does Russia benefit from this?”

YES! I love Michelle Obama, but she’s not a politician. When they go low, it’s already too late because they have us on the defensive. We need to attack first. And we have to get dirty. Brand the Republicans as un-American. Traitors. Hell, aren’t there enough sex scandals among the Republicans to unseat some of them?

In just my lifetime, I have said the same about Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and John Kerry. Each time I have wanted them to go away and stay out of the spotlight, it was because they were reminding the general electorate of what they didn’t like about Democrats. Nobody wants losers around; they make it too hard for new

We deal in classic Simpsons quotes ‘round here:

“No, I reject the idea that Trump ran a better campaign or that his message resonated with more people or the right kind of people.”

Fair enough. His formula seems to be: