Remember when you had no issue with Hussein golfing? Every time I think this shit-stained website has hit rock bottom...
Remember when you had no issue with Hussein golfing? Every time I think this shit-stained website has hit rock bottom...
A straight person can’t be bullied by gays, it’s impossible. Just like it’s impossible for blacks to be racist and for Muslims to be terrorists.
Milo is a pedophile. Anyone associated with Penn State is pedophile. Michael Jackson is the King of Pop.
Can you please identify one country that has taken in a significant amount of immigrants from these areas that didn’t have rape, sexual assault, and violence skyrocket?
If crooked Hillary were president, what would she be forcing people to eat? :)
Be honest, if Hussein would have done this you would have creamed your pants. How much do you spend a week on Zoloft?
His ideal world looks like the Soviet Union
You’re probably just angry because you can’t get that Bernie Sanders bumper sticker off your car.
Anybody who has done a little research on Trump would know that he doesn’t drink alcohol. But you probably already knew that since you are so much smarter than everybody. Time to up your Prozac snowflake.
You have sunk to a new low
You still manage to bring up politics by taking a shot at the Drudge and deplorables...bravo
You left out that Ellison is the obvious choice for anti-Semites.
This vile person will be out of office soon when her and her husband are investigated for the SunEdison scam. I will celebrate that day with some cake. :)
Maybe it’s time to ask your psychiatrist to up your dosage. It’s also time to accept reality.
I especially like the part of the protest where they beat the Milo supporters senseless! Love Trumps hate!
A million dollars a day is worth it to keep you libs salty over your loss. Of course you did get that figure from CNN (they probably made it up). Remember when Hussein sent $400 million to Iran and you forgot to mention it? You must have been visiting your psychiatrist that day...
Drew, this is poo. I felt like reading something funny so I went back and read this doozy...
I was thinking about joining the military for a free sex this still ok?