Milkproof Robot

I've already forgotten his name.

It was Larson something, right?

Dan Brown's How Da Vinci Stole Christmas

That's de Monet!

"Some teenagers are hanging out in front of the house. l think they could start slacking at any moment."

Will I be able to follow this movie if I haven't seen Future Park?

"I'll do what I want, when I want, and how I want, and no turtle - you hear me, half-shell? - no turtle is gonna tell me what to do!"

Well, it's not quite a Luddite, and it's not quite a pendulum, but man… *laughs uproariously*

So, to answer your question, I don't know.

Virtual Reality Bites

Man alive! There are… men alive in here!

*whomps billy with hat*

Eh, it's not that great in rhotic accents.


I'm sorry, but you did it four times.

Welcome to you're "DOOM!"

Dantooine is far too remote to make an effective manufacturing hub.

Preachy Keen

That's CBS for you, always on the cutting edge of progressive programming.

You're out?

Space X-Men Origins: Elon Musk

Detective Hank "Seek" Jekyll. It's all coming together!

*sniff* That's all I ever wanted.