Milkproof Robot

*coughs violently*

I have to tell you… the bank notes… and the real deed to the farm… They're buried… under the… under the…

*coughs violently*

I have to tell you… the bank notes… and the real deed to the farm… They're buried… under the… under the…

Walk him and pitch to the rhino.

Walk him and pitch to the rhino.

I heard Rob Schneider went to a petting zoo and fucked all the goats at the petting zoo and they had to close the petting zoo.

Got it, thanks.


"Pardon my French, but your mother sucks cocks in hell!"

And what the fuck do you do? A young woman dies tragically, and you pounce on the opportunity to wave the banner of detached indifference for everyone to see. We're all very impressed with how much you're above people airing their feelings in public.

That's more a recruitment issue than a technological one.

Worked for NERV and the Evas. I mean, not well, but it worked.

Belle v Ariel: Dawn of Jasmine

Look Who's Axe-Murdering Now

"They chose to spend time with him. He must not have seemed like a rapist, therefore he couldn't be a rapist. Checkmate!"

I know for a fact that Montgomery County is a suburb of DC. And don't try giving me any of that "Different counties in different states can have the same name" nonsense.

Everyone knew that a James Joyce adaptation was doomed to fail.


The Yellow King, right?

Trust me, two out of three doesn't cut it!