Milkproof Robot

I'd be surprised if there wasn't already a series called Hyde in the works with that very premise.

I thought this was three shows, and was wondering what "Texas" had to do with time. This is why Oxford commas are better, people!

I'm disappointed in him. How often does one get the chance to say, "Yo quiero Taco Bell," and have people respond with tears of joy?

NBC renews Heat Death of the Universe

Lord, why do you hate my trains?!

But it seems like 95% of the time all it does is take a word from the headline and search for quotes with that word.

Sounds like a good way to get crabs.

I'm still disappointed that Cassius & Clay animated sitcom for FX got dropped.

They just need more fiber in their diet.

Never seen it, but I've heard it's actually not a Seltzer/Friedberg movie, which is a plus in my book.

Hey, a female comedian was mentioned and you showed up to be a douche! Quelle surprise!

Then you haven't heard my idea for Look Who's Overboard Now, where Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn's characters adopt a kid with amnesia.

*reluctantly raises hand*

If you're going to split hairs, I'm going to piss off.

John Oliver's already given us the perfect title: Dr. Love.

The long-awaited sequel to Too Much Johnson.

Tortoise v Hare: 2 Slow 2 Steady

"Don't let the name fool you. I'm actually quite big."

How I Met Your Dealer

I keep falling off.