Milkproof Robot

Kitchen Foil

Penises all over my face.
What is a boy to do?

It's more historically known as the Fratrum Carta.

"They don't smell."
"Some smell."
"Give me a break."
"Babies smell!"

This is going to bite us on the ass when it turns out the Omicronians are huge public radio fans.

SQG, what's the point of this comment?

"You took the Bird of Prey out of its original packaging!"


But… she's still alive.

"When you surrender yourself to the Movementarians, you are guaranteed a perfect life of serenity, love, and loving serenity.

Not a guarantee."

Devil's Advocate: Into Darkness

I bet he didn't have the slightest thing to do with killing the Kennedys.

I see you've played afterlifey-dreamy before.

You're in deep didgeridoo-doo now!

"Did I miss any hugging?"

"The douchebag is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you do not… Also, dude, douchebag is not the preferred nomenclature; Hygienic-American, please."

Right now the puncher is probably at home thinking, "I don't need this kind of publicity, man. From now on, I'll only punch people for their clothing, hairstyles, and mannerisms."

"This reads like it was written by a dog!"
"Are you crazy? A dog can't type… unfortunately."

That's Slick Teddy for you. Always with the smooth talk.

We're here! No rear! Get used to it!