Milkproof Robot

"I used to bang my cousin a lot. I still do, but I used to, too."
- Mitch Habsburg

"My dog's got no nose."
"How does he smell?"

KFC has reached a new low.

Yes, well, it's a little off the subject of Haiti, but tolerance is always a good lesson.

Kimmy don't take no Schmidt!

Wasn't that the one where the guy went back in time to have sex with his past self?

It is a fun word, now that you menschon it.

Taxi Driver: Ubermensch

And Bad Santa.

For some, shyness might be their Mr. Furley. For others, a lack of education might be their Mr. Furley. For us, Mr. Furley is a wacky old guy who wants to evict us.

It is unfeasible to resurrect the dead. And even if John Ritter were alive, I doubt he'd sign on for this.

Was it something like this?
♪ Poe, Rey, Shmi, Han So-lo, TIE, Poe ♪

We won't know for sure until they make out at some point.

We're just trying to have a good time, man!

♪ Finn and Rey, being best friends
Together forever, the fun never ends
Solving mysteries one hug at a time
Finn and Rey, two of a kind ♪

"That's what you do when life hands you a chance to be with someone special. You just grab that greenish area by its points and you don't let go no matter what your mom says."

Mighty Mortal Kombat Rangers

But not the ones you'd think.

Both are correct. Yours was said by Homer, the other was said by Kent Brockman.