Milkproof Robot


*crickets, cocked shotguns*

"The windup and the 2-2 pitch. Oh, no, sir, wait a minute, the batter is calling for time. Looks like he's going and getting himself a new bat. And now there's a beach ball on the field and the ball boys are discussing which one of them's gonna go get it."


Can I buy pot from you?

She once punched a hole in a cow just so he could see who was coming up the road!

Like fix iPads?

I was going to do a whole bit, but I just realized I never cared much for Mindy, either.


As far back as I can remember, they were always called the Goodfeathers.

I think it's been well-established by now that no one who speaks German can be an evil man.

♪ We're Animani-
Totally insaney
Watch at home or on the trainy

*scoffs* I hardly think the AV Club is concerned with matters like that.

"What a gallant gentleman he is!"

I'm sure some kind soul will be along soon to proudly announce he would be charitable enough to have sex with her.

*reskims article*


You win this round.

Personally, when I hear "miniseries", I usually think of something in the 2-5 episode range, so I think it's kind of helpful.

"I like you, Joel. You remind me of myself at your age."
"I deserved that."

Hell, they could make an entirely new, Murphyless show for that sort of thing, with seasons for Heaven's Gate, Branch Davidians, others I'm forgetting…

They get real snippy at times.

Where would you suggest the shrimp sleep at night after a long day of grazing in the fields?