Milkproof Robot

♪ (jaunty "Hail to the Chief") ♪

Well suppose some of your footballs was to get deflated, and quarterbacks started getting lost, er, fights started breaking out during halftime shows, like.

I hear the exact same voice, but imagine him as his character on American Dad, riding side-saddle on a greyhound.

My dad died some years ago, so they get along fine now.

Uh, creeper… who are you talking to?

You were still using that obsolete analog communication hardware?

Hello, Smithers. You're quite good at turning me on.

I asked my mom one time when I was young why she and dad weren't divorced, but that was mainly because of how obvious it was they hated each other. They divorced a few years later.

The scene where the carriage turned back into a zucchini without warning was a bit much.

Father! Give me legs!

Or about some sort of new ass-based internet startup.

Huh. My brain completely skipped over that somehow.

It saves them the brainpower of having to come up with a minimally clever pun title.

I think that guy's name was Sodom something. It's been a while since I've seen it.

Space pirates?

"What? It's pork sausage."

Take Peeno Noir, you'll pee no gas.

Cooties treatments in the early 1900s were barbaric and woefully ineffective. The shot wouldn't be developed for another few decades.

*Harrison Ford watches and rewinds Tyrion/Tywin scene over and over again*

I know how to run a carnival, dammit!