Milkproof Robot

I could have sworn you were doing an American Dad reference, and would reply, "Not as old as the Nancy Kerrigan thing you're doing."

I could imagine that would have an adverse affect on their social and professional lives, but it's really not her fault. It should really be up to the government to keep her contained if she's causing such a public health crisis, depending on how widespread this condition is.

It's been one week since you looked at me…


That's an old reference.

Why do people hate Anne Hathaway? I think I've seen it briefly alluded to before that people hate her, but I really have no idea what all this is about.

"Just give me a second while I load up this wikiHow video."

A bit meta, but we'll accept it.

"I don't know who that is, and I don't care to find out."

"It's my duty to slap that booty."

The Princess Bride, after Wesley knocks out Fezzik.

It's probable that their bites can infect and kill animals, but I'm pretty sure the virus that brings things back to life only affects humans.

If this were to happen, do you think they would try to match the tone of the other Netflix series, like perhaps having him sneaking around trying to discover some mystery while on a secret assignment in New York; or do you think it would be more like him jetting around to new missions around the world each episode?

*EMG pokes Frosstbyte in the eyes*


What is this, the Middle Ages?!

"That's not Torpedo 3! That's not Torpedo 3 at all!"

He did do the nasty in the past-y.

A Hentaissance.