Milkproof Robot


"Alas, poor Yzorggikk. I knew him, Horatio."

That wasn't joke-explaining, it was wordplay!

*fop, fop, fop, fop, fop…..*

But I want to ride the tilt-a-whirl!

He's always yelling at people to keep off his grass.


He is just loaded with sodium.

I was just giving it one try to see if it could make its head explode.

"You're not taking both of them?"
"One of them's dead."

Brick Hardmeat.

Mr. Meeseeks, can you help me learn how to slouch my shoulders and keep my head up?

Gutsy question. You're a winner.

Read between the lines.

"If I smell at all like sex, it's because of Jim. I was on his heels as he porked our way through 200 miles of jungle. His hips never stopped moving. It was magnificent."

Part of this complete escape plan.

Can't give you a tab unless you order something.

Age-appropriate casting?! What is this sorcery?

I hear ya. We're way overdue for a sitcom called Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Hellboy: Freezing Over