Milk of the Big Papi

Ever hear a liberal talk about Sweden?

But Hillary filtered that money through the law firm of Perkins Coie, so it is different. 

Not that anything you said is wrong, but if you think the “dipshit liberal nephew” doesn’t use the same strategy, you just don’t have a dipshit liberal nephew.  Of course, he’s right about everything and super-smart, etc. so it’s different. 

Whether you agree with him or not, this is not what he is saying.

Nothing you said is wrong. But I was arguing simply that the position of “good form is subjective” is ridiculous. I presented ridiculously bad form and you did not argue that anything I presented is not ridiculously bad form.

What you have established is that subjectivity exists. You sound like a freshman philosophy major.

Celebrate all you want, but if you are being an asshole expect to be called an asshole.  And note that is their only “punishment” - being called assholes by people who judged their behavior as asshole-ish. 

But they are also providing entertainment, for which they are being paid. And when that entertainment offends people who see their behavior as boorish, then those people are going to complain.  What you are basically saying is the players should do whatever the fuck they want and spectators should temper their

If my kid can’t express happiness without being an asshole, I’m telling my kid to not express her happiness.  

Good form is subjective.  Like if I walk up to a homeless person and taunt them for how much money I have, who is to say that is wrong?  I’m just excited for all the money and success I’ve had and no one should ask me to curb that excitement.  In fact, I might also go down to a funeral home and tell them how happy I

This is maybe the fourth Deadspin article defending the celebrations, so someone cares about it and it sounds like its the people who are overly-defensive about the ladies being called out for their bullshit. 

I don’t think they were necessarily unprepared, they were certainly inferior.

Yes and no. It is too many goals for an international competition. There are two ways to curb this, and neither of them is asking the players to stop playing. First option is easy, have a mercy rule. If you are up 5 (6, 7?) in the second half, the game is over. The second way is to put a cap on the point

Better than feeding them potato chips and grape soda, teaching them to “whoop someone’s ass” if you are “disrespected”, and telling them books are for faggots.

So the third paragraph is just an absolute acknowledgement of how much of a nothing-burger this is.  She was getting this position regardless of any Amy Chua op-ed (which also had no effect on BK’s confirmation, which was never in doubt due to the bullshit nature of the allegations). 

It’s the hypocrisy of the self-righteous indignation that really burns my ass. Like you couldn’t try to come off more intellectually dishonest than these dickheads.

No, his emotion is getting pissed off when hitter’s (in his mind) showboat.  If all he does is show emotion (rather than beaning the hitter) it is an absolute equivalent.  It is the height of idiotic entitlement to think you can shake your nuts around and not have someone tell you what a jackass you are.  In any other

The only problem is absolutely none of that is true. First of all, the underlying crime was not child molestation, it was sexual assault of adult athletes. Second of all, no one (not one single person) claimed that Jordan saw a sexual assault occur. What they allege is that he, as an assistant wrestling coach, was

Almost definitely not tomorrow, but maybe the next day, especially if they really need him to. Even though he only threw 18 pitches, a lot more goes into a start, both mentally and physically. And you wouldn’t typically bring a guy right back, and also screw with the guy pitching the next day.

The only reason anyone would butt heads with Puig is that you are a racist. No other reasonable explanation.