Milk of the Big Papi

This is fucking stupid.  As long as the players aren’t trying to hurt each other, saying one can show emotion and the other shouldn’t is just preposterous.  Why are you so worried about Muncy’s feelings?  Some unwritten rule you’d like to enforce? 

But you see, Madison Bumgardner is not celebrating the right way. He is breaking the unwritten rules of not following the unwritten rules, you see. The dipshits who comment on Deadspin would probably celebrate if the opposing pitcher hit him in the head after this (which note, he did not do to Muncy - and that is

I hope we get a followup on this one...

Fred McGriff-like. 

No, it doesn’t.  And that some people care more about where Trump signs some ceremonial document than who Obama was attaching with drones or which foreign governments were donating to the Clinton Foundation tells a lot more about those people than it does Trump.  It also makes criticism of Trump seem unreasonable,

Like most similar articles, this is basically a guide on not being a clueless asshole and treating people the way you want to be treated. Anyone that wants to have or keep friends would follow this more or less. Anyone that doesn’t care about having or keeping friends (which is fine, you do you and everything) would

I actually am very glad I was born in and live in America and not Afghanistan. What is your problem with this incredibly reasonable sentiment that you would try to build a straw-man to argue against it?

I’m assuming further punishment for the women is unnecessary, because each has been put to death as a matter of course.

Sports News without Access, Favor or Discretion...And Sucking LeBron’s Dick” was too wordy. 

If you received an invitation (either paper or electronic) then it’s a party. If you didn’t (i.e. you just got a text or a phone call) it is just people getting together. There are no caveats to this rule.  If 40 people get together at a bar, but no invites were sent, it is still not a party. 

Yeah, I understand being invited to a party that is 30-45 minutes away.  I just don’t understand going to such a party.  Especially if it is just “a thing at a bar” and not someone’s engagement party or something along those lines. 

I don’t, an illegal pitch with no runners on base results in an automatic ball.

Yes, it is. 8.01. 

As someone who has lived in DC for a long time (who is both a runner and cyclist, and sometimes motorist), the worst people are either the Lance Armstrong wannabes or the ones riding the ride-share bikes. As far as runners, the running club assholes are the worst. Total herd mentality, have seen them basically runnin

I also love...

The pitch that resulted in the second out should have been called a ball.  He began the pitching motion and then the little wiggle is an alteration or interruption. 

She bet enough that that if he bet everything and got it, she would end up beating him by $1. This is what happens in most of matches that aren’t runaways - in at least 99% of them, they wager enough to win.

Given the scores at the time, 3000 was a reasonably smart wager. It nearly guaranteed her being in the lead going into Final/would have still been possible for her to be in the lead if wrong and in order to make the game a runaway she would have to have basically made it a do-or-die, true daily double. Notice that

Nah, in non-runaway games the leader wagers enough to cover any amount the 2nd and 3rd place contestants can achieve approximately 99% of the time. The 2nd place contestant usually either wagers almost all of their money, nothing, enough to cover 3rd place’s best outcome if correct, enough to cover 3rd place’s best

Always appreciate a good stunt, but if you think this case will or should be successful, you are incredibly fucking stupid. Any time you are arguing based on your right to “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” - which is in the DofI, not the Constitution - you have a big fucking loser of a case. Taking it