Milk of the Big Papi

So if Deadspin can take a shot at barstool sports, they will write about a story of a white chick getting murdered by a black immigrant.* You guys must really hate barstool sports.

As a fellow right-wing troll, I hate her because she is a brotherfucking anti-semitic tax cheat, and I’m very comfortable with my own inadequacies, but I’m glad they don’t include fucking my brother, hating Jews, or lying on my taxes.

That will show them...that being a heckling jackass will be rewarded with the attention they so desperately sought.

And again, he was unsuccessful at killing the wrong guy!  This guy isn’t even worthy to be assistant to the shooting mastermind. 

Considering the majority of the candidates only idea to tackle inequality is giving people free shit (reparations, debt cancellation, free tuition), and none of that is ever going to happen, it would be a pretty short and useless debate.

How about an hour on whether it is better to be a child in the United States or New Zealand? I think that is what we really need as a country.

You did have sources. And the one I specifically referenced was a four-paragraph NYT article that took me 10-15 seconds to read. If you will notice in the third and fourth paragraph, the article acknowledges the following:

So much of this is wrong because you believe any fear-mongering bullshit you hear. For one, race-based hate crimes are not on the rise. Reporting of those crimes is on the rise. More jurisdictions are dedicating resources to track and respond to such crimes. People like you, that apparently think the level of hate

Using your terms: America was great (no economic decline), now it isn’t great (economic decline), Bernie will fix it by making great (once again, no economic decline).

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders was MAGA-esque in his contention that nothing has gotten better in America in 45 years, which might be better understood by the fact he hasn’t accomplished anything in the Senate to make it better (or anything, for that matter). 

The easy answer is no one.  You don’t create racial classification in violation of the 14th Amendment.  Problem solved. 

I love that you are leaning on the credential that you have less direct experience regarding American politics as why you understand it better.

Don’t forget enfranchising prisoners and legal (or even illegal?) aliens.

The level of ignorance of history and politics it takes to write this comment is astounding! 

Because the Constitution explicitly states that SCOTUS judges serve a lifetime appointment.  So passing that law would be stupid and meaningless.  You would need to amend the Constitution.  And amending the Constitution to grant even more power to the creeping executive branch would also be stupid. 

I think you are delusional. Not like delusional the way it is used on the internet when someone disagrees and says their philosophical opponent is delusional for reaching a different outcome or having different priorities or preferences. Literally I think you have deluded yourself into believing you don’t see Trump

Deadspin/GMG has actively participated in and encouraged online and IRL harassment on too many occasions to count. Both the writers themselves and the childish commenters are guilty of this. That this is completely lost on you is explained by incredible narcissism and detachment from reality.

Right, HamNo does in fact lack fundamental knowledge regarding the criminal justice system, but that has nothing to do with his lack of fundamental knowledge of civil litigation on full display here.

Omar, the correct answer is wear whatever the fuck you want and don’t listen to some limp-dick whose ego is so fragile that he thinks wearing a fucking jersey is emasculating. He also can’t drive a Ford vehicle or print his The Shield fan-fic on a Hewlett Packard printer. You see Omar, it sucks to be a shitbird

The problem you have is that you don’t enjoy sports that don’t provide a good hard or limp dick.  In other words, you need some level of intense emotion related to the sport.  Sports can be passive too.  The fact that a single baseball game isn’t going to make or break a season can be a feature and can make watching