
Like Becca, I would like to apologize to everyone for perpetuating a fraud, as I am neither French nor from Montana.

Thanks, I am Pretty Cool

I’m trying to decide how much of my “lock him up and throw away the key” reaction is based on what a gross pig monkey predatory piece of shite he is and how much is based on my anger over his fucking up the election.

You are correct. As a former competitive player who played a serve a volley style it’s easier said that done. Players now have a ton more power than they did when I played and unless you can place the ball deep near the baseline (ideally in the corner) and to your opponent’s backhand you are very likely going to see


YES! I am a Mexican/ American Indian woman and my bff is a black Mexican American Woman. There are harassments and a whole bunch of other problems unique to her blackness I will never face. It’d be a slap in the face to start equating our problems. Yes we can and do fight for each other but this article is a

Now playing

Whypipo in the grey’s, this isn’t even about you. Why are you here?

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Let me find my seat real quick because the umar stans are coming.

You could make the same argument about men of all races we really all are a problem.

Not sure that car is worth $800 without the flood.

But what if I’m looking FOR a flood damaged car? I want an auto-x project, of which I’m gutting the interior and going through engine and suspension anyways. What would be my guide to finding a deal on one of those?

I work in a library too. Shit does go down here and I mean that quite literally.

I and many others need her to stick around as a reminder of both the first woman nominee of a major party and the bigoted crap from both sides she faced that has yet to be solved.

any goddamn person who uses the phrase “identity politics” when what they mean is “will you please stop yammering on about abortion, please? It makes me feel kinda icky.”

I (and many others) voted for her but just wish she would move on...The Bernie/Hillary wars have done an immense amount of damage to the ranks

You suggested Bernie isn’t the messiah....get ready to get pilloried.

Friends, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am now selling tickets for S’morez Fe$t. For the low, low price of $100 you can eat a Lucky Charms marshmallow while listening to Spotify in my backyard. Bug repellant for the mosquitos is just $19.99 extra. My Instagram has a picture of my cat giving

lol @ paying $75 for a pizza festival in New York City. Oh midwestern gentrifiers.

“And Hillary bored her comfortable winning margin into staying home on election day.”