Also, this the guy’s car they smashed into. Choi filed a copyright strike against him for including a clip of the jump in his first video.
Also, this the guy’s car they smashed into. Choi filed a copyright strike against him for including a clip of the jump in his first video.
The NBA should just go the route of the NFL. Some teams just started sacking players and staff who refused to get vaccinated, rather than risk the sanctions the association was threatening to levy if games had to be canceled due to the unvaccinated. And in at least two cases we are talking big names, one of whom was…
The NBA Proposes to Make Unvaccinated Players’ Lives a Special Type of Hell
Unvaccinated players are not being judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
When you get sick with covid who the fuck do you think you are spreading it to? You think you’re givin’ it to rich white karen? No you’re giving it to your parents, your kids, your neighbors basically you are putting your own people at risk.
As they should. Freedom is NOT free and it never will be. Nor are we free to infringe upon others rights and freedoms. At the end of the day if you went to public schools then you have vaccines running all up and thru you. Basically we have been under vaccine mandates for most of our lives if you are under a certain…
I think I would have died that day. I just don't know if mentally I would have been able to handle someone treating the remains of my baby like that, especially knowing everything she went through as she died. I just dont know. The cops would have either killed me or I would have been committed from a complete…
They aren't mistaking it, they know what racist pieces of shits they are, they JUST don't care.
Partly because even the biggest white cop hater will always be treated better by the police then a respectful, complaint PoC. Cops are experts at knowing which side the bread is buttered and uses that to great advantage.
Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail…
Eh, where’s the fun in that!?
Half the joy I find in stealth games comes from abusing the gaps in AI. It’s a feature, not a flaw.
So we’re all agreed then: the photo’s pronounced GIF with a hard G, rhymes with “riff”? Got it.
So we’re all agreed then: the photo’s pronounced GIF with a hard G, rhymes with “riff”? Got it.
30 years from now I will be judging the president on his or her favorite game choices and their answer better be as good as St. Vincent’s.
She seems nice and all, but I’m not sure why she’d want to play a plum.
Ruiz is clearly talented, and likeable. I hope she’s able to take advantage of this sudden fame to land a plum role on a TV show or something.
Gotta give props to dude for having the balls to call u up and open a dialogue.
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.