Until everyone’s point of view can have equal value, conversations like you’re trying to have will fall on mostly deaf ears.
Until everyone’s point of view can have equal value, conversations like you’re trying to have will fall on mostly deaf ears.
Get this comment out of the grays!
Pretty sure the kid’s last name is Abagnale. Can’t get anyway with fun fraud in 2017.
Yeah, what a bunch of fucking nerds. We should cast an Avada Kedavra curse on them for such insolence.
At first, I was thinking, “What fucking doofus puts Nightman below anything from recent seasons? Then I watched Charlie Works and the Suburbs episode and I have concluded that while you’re still a doofus, but those are funny episodes.
You played in the NFL, big woop. I’ve seen Billy Joel twice but you don’t hear me bragging about it all over the internet.
Roster limits are not why Chip’s offensive scheme has stopped working. The problem is Chip himself; he simply stopped trying to evolve the offense halfway through his Eagles stint to the point of being embarrassingly predictable. You could have a HoF team with unlimited stamina, but if you are literally telegraphing…
Anyone know where Kluwe and Magary are today?
Hold on, is that an actual comic book character or am I a gullible ass and that is a fan mashup? I’m guessing the latter.
In fairness, Shawn Bradley always played like that though.
I agree, the kid just needs some seasoning.
He wanted teams to wake up and see the forest for the trees? I’ll see myself out.
+1 Dennis Miller
I might be drunk, but I giggled like school girl at your alternate lyrics. Thank you.
You don’t get the joke, but I’m in the grays?
I don’t think you really meant it that he did a good job.
You, sir, are a saint for intelligently and politely debating with this thick-skulled angry bafoon.
Even Jimmy McGill could pull himself together better than this guy.