Miles Archer

before those crappy manuals, there were the Motors Books

“But when you assume that the issues in said areas are caused by imigrants which was the equivalence you implied it is racist”

Yeah, totally! A properly cooked well done steak is plenty juicy and I have gotten good at cooking them. You have to switch up how you approach a steak to be cooked well done to better do it justice. I constantly see people bitching about cooking well done steak while cooking it like a steak you would cook to a

To their detriment, I think.

It’s a shame you are back in the greys.  I never agreed with what you said, but you were always well reasoned about it.

Granted the Mustang did get too big thanks to Bunkie Knudsen the ex-head of Pontiac. The original plan for the 1974 Mustang was for it to go slightly smaller to Maverick size. There was even a point Ford gave consideration for the Maverick to replace the Mustang when the Maverick debuted. Anyway, it was decided to

It was because of this woman in the picture that we ended up with the Mustang II. She complained the Mustang had gotten too big and Iacocca listened to her and we ended up with a dinky underpowered, underperforming pony with awkward styling. Ford even went to the trouble to create the Ghia version with a padded

Nailed it. Those days had such an impact on me that I remember the exact stories you’re referring to.

Sorry, the sky is not falling. The air in the US is cleaner now than any time since the industrial revolution. Cars with combustion engines are so clean now that they barely even register as polluters. In fact, the so called ‘green’ battery powered cars are much greater polluters when you consider their cradle to

I have a similar commute. Only 25 miles along a nice secondary road. Most of the road has a 40-50 mph speed limit. Most of the road has a ‘standard’ speed of about 45. (the 50 section isn’t very long) There are a couple places where the speed drops to 30, but they are short and well known to anyone who drives the road

“While flight attendants are there to make your flight comfortable, [it’s] not a service industry. They’re not waiters,” Gottsman explained.

When it comes to car dealerships, never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice. They play dumb in your favor exactly 0% of the time.

I just don’t understand how people can do burn outs for fun & entertainment when tires cost what they do. Rear tires on my fun car, the cheapest that aren’t complete crap that actually have some performance in them, start at $150-$200 and they only go up from there. If Im having to spend near $400 at the least on

A series official ultimately pulled him and Dean back from the blazing car once the first second THIRD responders showed up.

Museums all over the world are full of stolen artifacts. A considerable amount of the Parthenon is in the British National Gallery.

what do you think (many) museums are, other than thieves? You think all that gorgeous Egyptian stuff that is sitting in various museums around the world got there on its own? And repeat for basically everything.

Clearly that is not a regular thief, but an antique specialist. The person kept the clock for 20 years and cared for it. That’s better than any museum.

I’m surprised they haven’t shown here with how many times the comment’s been starred. Most forceful push back I’ve had was a guy saying his uncle told him he kind of likes the lane keep system in his new Volvo in certain situations.

Or chain it to a tree and drive off